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5 Ways to Improve Skin Health

Our skin is fascinating! It is our first line of defense against nasty bugs and viruses. It comes in all sorts of colors. It shrinks and expands with us. It gets freckles. It gets cuts and scrapes that heal over. It shows off our laugh lines and wrinkles. And it is our “earth suit” that holds our souls.

Our skin is also one of the first ways we can tell that there may be an imbalance going on inside of us as toxins get released through the pores of our skin. The good news is, our skin renews itself every 28 days. So, if you can pinpoint what is going wrong on the inside and address it correctly, your skin can quickly return to normal on the outside.

Some of the common ways our skin expresses there are toxins building up and may also be nutritional deficiencies within the body is when we see skin conditions like eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, dandruff and even simple cracking and bleeding hands.

I know from personal experience the embarrassment and the pain and suffering one goes through with a skin condition. I had eczema growing up as a kid and then again a severe flare up in my late 20s. It wasn’t until I was going through my nutritionist training that I discovered the root cause of my eczema and was able to make the necessary nutritional and lifestyles changes to overcome it. I share this with you so that if any of you are currently searching for answers with your own skin issues, I want you to know it is possible to have beautiful, clear skin once again. All it takes is a closer look at what your eating habits are, the health of your gut, and your lifestyle choices.

Read on to learn 5 ways to improve the health of your skin today!

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